The great liberator

I am on my way back to Ecuador again, 22 years after I passed there the first time. On a pushbike going from the southernmost tip of South-America to the northernmost tip of North-America. This time, however, I have a great, but short and very comfortable adventure, coming up. Right now, I am reading a biography about Simón Bolívar, written by John Lynch, and not only does it give me a much better picture of how the modern South-America was liberated and created, after having been dominant by colonial powers, but it also inspires me a lot. Simón Bolívar was, of course, a complex person in many ways, but believed in personal freedom, loved literature and had an enormous vision and will power. But, his fight to liberate his country of birth Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia, didn´t come easy and his life was continously a series of tragedies and recoveries. But he never gave up his dream and never left his original trail of sticking to his beliefs. I believe that is of great importance, no matter how much damage you take, never leave your principles and always keep your back straight and proud.

This trip of mine now, will be a tour of recovery. I will keep you up dated with insights to how this will be reached and it will, hopefully, give me an idea to a new Expedition.

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