Trying to find sponsors

I think communication between human beings is the most important aspect of life. If we humans would communicate better and more, we would have less wars and aggressions, there´s no doubt about that. And if I have anything, regarding my abilities to do Expeditions and making them into a success, to brag about, it is my ability to listen to people and get them to talk, to communicate. And only talk when I have to motivate other people to comprehend the necessity to understand what I am doing and why.

The same applies when you go looking for sponsors before a major expedition, because I reckon the upcoming Expeditions, both of them, or should I say, all three, they will cost a huge amount of dollars. Therefore, the last week I have started looking for partners, but it takes a lot of work. And meeting a variety of people who can help, inspire and give you ideas is extremely important and that is what I have done for a month now.

Today I went to Travellers Club of Sweden to listen to a lecture by a well-known Swedish TV-anchor, Arne Weise, and shared a table with my friend and new partner Anders Åberg and a very good friend of his, Claes Ahlin, a lawyer with a big smile. We were able to shoot some ideas around and now we have one very good idea of a possible major sponsor with international connections. See how it goes, I will keep you updated on the developments. And to give you an idea what I look for regarding the choice of sponsors, just have a look at the sponsors from the Siberian Expedition here.

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