Book review; How To Get To The North Pole by Tim Moss

There´s no doubt in my case that it was books which made me choose this odd life and I really need to be surrounded by books to feel really content with life. For this reason I have written two articles about books I recommend:

1. 10 best books about adventure and travel to read over Christmas

2. 5 most complete travel books ever

Lately I have been given a lot of opportunities to review other people´s books and I have said no, because the books were just not interesting enough. I don´t want to waste my time reading nonsense. However, this last month I have received two really good books, so I have decided to do just that, starting as of August 2011 to review interesting and challenging books.  (So, please, if you have a book you want reviewed, please send it to me.)

How to Get To The North Pole

…and other iconic adventures


Tim Moss


Like the author of this extremely welcome book, Tim Moss, I daily get emails from people who are contemplating setting off on an adventure or Expedition and wants to know how to do it. Or most of the time, how to finance it. I have written articles on the subject and once even started a book commissioned as regards to this subject, but other things got in the way and, suddenly, here it is, the perfect book for all who iscontemplating an adventure and how to do it!

The book is full of details of importance, which kit is needed in respective geographical area, what you need as regards to permits and what obstacles you might encounter. It covers all of them! (For a good overview of what the book is about and what chapters, see Tim´s article on the subject here) Every chapter is full of good quotes from explorers and adventurers concerning what is important.

This is just the book you need, if you have problems finding motivation and help for setting off on your first adventure! It is an easy read, not complicated, always encouraging, straight to the point and very inspiring! Well done Tim!

Even the seasoned traveler, explorer or adventurer can find lots of detail which was unknown. I, who have never had any interest in rowing or sailing, got inspired!

However, that important reason comes across in this book very well. With the help of these great quotes, Tim inspires and gives deep insights! Like this quote from somebody who really knows, Sir Chris Bonington.

“Listen to your instincts and know when to turn back as well as to when to press on. Above all, enjoy it!”

My only reservation in this excellent guide how to do it, is that it is far too British, but then again, this is the market Tim knows and which is the biggest in the world. And being an anglophile myself, I enjoy it from a British perspective, but I know the Russians would have other ideas as regards to the Polar section. As would the Scandinavians!

This otherwise excellent book can be bought here:

Tim Moss has organised logistics for large-scale expeditions and personal ones, like Around the World in 80 Ways. And just published a book how to do it all! Visit his website at

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