Trouble on all levels…..but we are awarded Explorer Clubs Flag 179!

Malmö -2 C (28.4 F)

Yakutsk -45 C (-49 F)

Verkhoyansk -52 C (61.6 F)

The gear from Exweb -SPOT tracker, laptop, sat phone an the software to send updates on route- arrived after being held in customs for 2 extra days yesterday. And, once I opened the Pelican Case, the laptop screen was all black, which is quite close to a disaster. I guess it is better it happens back home and not on route. But so un necessary. DHL again! They’re really a disaster for me when getting tech sent. Because I am no tech geek and now I have to set all this up. I did a serious mistake on the Yemen Expedition and couldn´t send one report because of this! Now, Tom had set everything up. I will take it to a computer store, see if they can help. I doubt it. Seems I have to bring my slow and heavy Yemen Laptop….

The good news is that the expedition was awarded Flag 179 from the Explorers Club. The same one I brought to Yemen. And this, of course, means a lot to me. It is a sign that the Expedition has global importance. As most other kit it hasn´t arrived yet, which is a worry, I am happy at least for that. However, most of my thoughts are with my mum. She is getting worse again and it is really hard being such a long way away from here, so I can´t be at her side. And what to do if she dies? It is a very demanding time right now. the life saver is the family!

I did my last gym session yesterday and I have lost some strength in the last two weeks do to different infections from the kids. What to do? But I still feel fit, if fat!

Our biggest problem, however, is the wolves in our area which has reached epidemic levels! It is said that we have a flock of 400 wolves in our area! See this article! And that have meant we have left Misja and Kesja who didn´t get the permission to leave their area due to this. Evans just sent me OutWildTv:s logo….

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