Greenland Expedition On Skis: Extreme heat, little snow and sea ice crossing

I have just had Swedish rosti with lingon berries and will soon make some sesame bread. I am trying a new food supplier called Friluftsmat of Sweden and so far it has been a delight. Much due to the weather which makes cooking much easier to the freezing cold!

This has been another day pulling my Fjellpulka upp and down over rocks, stones and wet marshes, on and off on snow. So no big distances today, well a 5 km crossing of sea ice helped, otherwise 15 km in total.

During the crossing of the stable sea ice I thought about that Finnish lady who disappeared a few years back when heading for the North Pole and either drowned or got taken by a polar bear when crossing an open lead. A bit of a Jaws feeling over todays crossing.

Incredibly burning hit sun, it is 16 degrees C out there!

I need to figure out to do…spending most days pulling the sledge on snowfree mountainground makes it hard to enjoy the great view!

68.85379 degrees N, 51.10518 degrees W

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