Book review: Life With The Yukagihr By Cecilia Odé

Life With The Yukagihr


Cecilia Odé


Copyright Cecilia Odé

It is rare, very rare according to me that an antropologist or, as in Cecilias case, a specialist in endangered languages, like yukagihr, taking good photos to illustrate their incredibly important and interesting account of their time with one of our globes interesting people, oftenly indigenous folks. Many are the times when i am upset how really bad they are to shoot simple photos which would raise the level of interest in their subject, their selling power to non-academics and better portray the people they have come to document. A complete difference to these academics is Cecilia Odé who´s photos are professional and really, really good. Her book about the tundra yukagihr is a gift to all of us with any interest of the outside world and a very important work. Yakutsk, Chersky and Andryushkino are well known places for me personally and it is a joy to read her account of her time here. She is a really good story teller which again raises the joy of the book, especially as regards to the people she meets, which are the best of the best.

For me, her book is the total accurate account of the people in this area and I am so happy to have met Cecilia personally, a wonderful person on route to higher exploration due to her illness.



What a fantastic person, what a fantastic book! And as this is not enough, see the documentary below, which is as good!

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