Beetroots, a brutal massage, a race and getting into the running

My racetrainer Anya Kowalzcyk and me ran Yddingeloppets Trailrun, 12 km, today. Beautiful sunny day, fresh and nice, extraordinary beechforest!

According to Anya, who´s done more than 60 races, the difficulty of the run was 6 out of 10. It was up and down, but not too bad I thought. For somebody who is brought up on the Grötholstrack in Dala-Järna, this was nothing. My wish was that I could keep under 55 in pace, which has been my target training. I tried to keep up with the bottom end of the best runners and manage to do that for….2 km:s. Under 5 in pace. Than I kept 5.20 for the next 8 km:s and then…I just had lost all my energy! But 5.30 average pace, so I am content. But I felt I could have pushed much harder.

My next training goal is average 5´00, so to go under 50 min on 10 km. Considering I did my first 10 km in Warsaw end of July and 1.07 and a bit more, I have cut that time by about 15 minutes. Meaning 5 minutes per month. If I continue like that I should have a role as Superman in the sequal by July.

Great thanks to my fantastic trainer and coach Anya Kowalzcyk, who really enjoyed the run!

As part of the training and diet, the girls and me have graciously been invited to Anya. So we have stocked up on tasty and healthy food at a local cheapie in Warsaw. Especially beetroot. I have fallen in love with the taste. And it turns out it might even have some EPO qualities in itself. Especially for mediocre runners like me. But what better country than Poland to stock up on beetroot!

As regards to the beetroot, read this article in Outside Magazine if you have an interest. Marta Naczyk introduced it in my diet and Anya have been a long fan.

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