Tentipi: Like a mother who rocks the cradle

I slept 9½ hours last night. Proof? Se the Ouraring image. 9½ hours, I can´t remember when that last happened! We are taking at least 4 years ago.
Why did it happen?
Simple reasons.
After an overwhelming time in Azerbadjan. And an overwhelming amount of interesting work. But little sleep, I knew I had to go to the forest. So I persuade tired girls to come. They are still not fully recovered from the 51 days on the bicycle.. They brought a friend, Ida. We bought ingredients for smorsh and hot dogs and packed the teepee in the Volvo XC60. We call the car Kensington 2.
There´s something magic with the teepee. It always make me sleep well. I think it is for three reasons. First, it is big enough for all of us to fit in it. Two, you can stand up in it, have a woodstove to warm you. Three, it´s the fabric, canvas. No matter how windy, rainy and stormy it is on the outside, it is still silent. And all in all, it puts you to sleep, like a mother rocking the cradle.
I have spent 100´s of nights in a teepee. From the Swedish company Tentipi. Many with a woodstove. It gives a feel of a real home. So much, so I am thinking, when the girls have left the nest, I will move out of the flat and live full time in the teepee. It will be more than enough for me. It can easily be moved and set up offering the greatest of views.
And just being outdoors with the girls, they play and have fun all the time. No IPAD needed.
How hard can it be?
I was so rested that I easily ran the demanding Snogeholmsleden, even though I had some knee problems the last three km. Of 19 in total. A beautiful run! One of the most beautiful in Skåne!
The girls have asked me to head off into the forest next weekend too! See how the football games are set up. Both girls did good jobs on Saturday.
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