The Modern Explorers

“In these remote and sparsely inhabited places, where people have lived their lives for centuries, significant discoveries can still be made.
Mikael Strandberg describes his epic Siberian journey and the lessons he learnt from local people, both about how they cope with extreme conditions they experience every day and about his own attitude to exploration.”
I received the pocket version of The Modern Explorers today. Great thanks Robert! The hardcover I had is lost. I can understand if someone have borrowed and not returned it. It is that good!
The undertitle is Epic Journeys To The Ends of The World and is edited by Robert Twigger and Robin Hanbury-Tenison. And I feel genuinly honored to have been part of this classic. Some of the other contributors are friends or people I grew up admiring and reading. The likes of Chris Bonington, Johan Reinhard, Tim Severin, Michael Asher and J. Michael Fay.
And it is amazing to know, that this Siberian journey, is part of some kind of history. In these days, with the possibility that i may never be able to return to the Kolyma, even more important. The most recent account I read was Shaun Walkers excellent book about why this is happening in Russia now. He visits Lower Kolyma, but even his well researched book on this part, has errors. You need to spent lots of time there to get it right.
Anyway, a great Christmas present it is, it can be bought here…/dp/0500516847
PS. Sorry that I look tired on the picture. This damn alcoholic Polish dude on top of my flat yelling all night. DS
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