Explorer Mikael Strandberg

2021: First day

2021. The first day. Two days after pulling tires. Today, I am preparing for a long bike ride. I didn´t even make it for the New Years celebrations. I fell asleep. The girls were up to watch the fireworks. I was tired after the previous day and a long run in strong winds, rain and mud. And we all spent the day at Kullaberg Nature Reserve yesterday. Then in the evening I lost against them in Monopoly. Enough to put me to sleep.
The girls wanted salmon for New Years food. I kept to my Expedition diet, except a glas of Glögg (gluhwein) and a handful of pepparkakor (ginger biscuits). All the research which I have put into practise, as regards to longevity, aging, health and Expeditions shows this:
1. Sleep is extremely important for the recovery and healthy living. I get an average of 6 hours, but take a midday nap regularly. I use an Ouraring to monitor my sleep. One thing I can see clearly is that I sleep far better outside than inside! See photo.
2. A balanced diet with lots of variety. I eat 5 meals a day. On and off I have meat like serrano ham. Fish and diary like youghurt. And then lots of beans, nuts, seeds, veggies, tofu, whole grain bread and fruit. I try to avoid any refined or processed foods or drinks. It works best of I am strict with eating times. Earliest 7 a.m, latest 7 p.m
3. It has taken a year and a half to get the training right. Meaning better recovery and no injuries! My training week is 9 days. I have two long runs, one long tire pulling, one long bike ride, one gym session and one run based on intervals, fartleks and speed. The rest is recovery days. I have seen a week between the long runs is important for me. Otherwise I am used over tired. I use a heart monitor during my training. To see heart rate, see image from the longest run so far.
4. The outdoors. Just being out there in the forest, along the coast, running on beaches, sleeping in a tent. It makes a huge difference. Especially in these times of the pandemic. Being outdoors is life giving.
5. Keep at it. Be disciplined. Even if weather is crap, get out there. It will make a difference. But have patience. With age, thinks just takes a bit longer. Like everything!
6. And, the pandemic shows me life is short. Live to its fullest!
Links below:
My athlete profile to see how training progress https://www.strava.com/athletes/23404606
Watch the Siberian film for free, Minus 73 degrees F https://vimeo.com/451752697

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