Yes! The Greenland Icecap is done!
32 days, 8-10 hours of hauling a day, every kind of weather from rain to icecold stormwinds, soft sticky snow to rough cauliflower ice, we have crossed the Greenland icecap!
First of all, great thanks to Jeff Willner and his team at Kensington Tours who have believed in me, helped me and made this possible. A privilige!
Second, a huge warm hug to the team I crossed with. Anders who has been just extraordinary, Kathinka who has a huge knowledge of every detail of the Arctic life and Willands with his continous smile. All of them showed maximum patience with me and made my days jollier!
Thirdly great thanks to the hometeam of Eva, Dana and Hannah and their various babysitters! And Lars Ebbesens superb weather reports!
Thanks to
Kensington Tours Åsnes Taiga BOLDR Supply Company Jemtlander Hilleberg the Tentmaker Helsport ALFA SKO Brynje of Norway Nordiclife Pölder Sport AB Stanley Ledlenser SOTO Outdoors