Greenland Icecap Crossing Update
One month left before our departure to Greenland!
2½ years has passed since I took the decision to do it, not just talk about it. I was visiting my friend Anya in Warsaw. And doing my first 10 km race (fat and heavy) and she introduced me to her friend Milka Raulin. Milka had done 7 summits and wanted to proceed with her challenges. She was looking for a guide to take her to the North- and South Pole. I said I was interested, but we had to do a crossing of the Greenland Icecap as a first challenge. She agreed.
2½ years later it is going to happen. Initially the idea was also to do a documentary about people taking these challenges. I wanted an exciting group. Not necessarily the strongest and most experienced, but a mix. 50% ladies. One of the first to come onboard was Lars Wallgren, the first Swede to do the crossing back in 1988. Due to quite a few changes of the timeline, Lars eventually decided he lost his spirit to cross at 68 years of age. But we all decided to keep the idea of as much as possible follow his and his two partners original route. With a hope to compare photos at the end and see if there´s been any changes in this time.
One of them, who has done a tremendous job getting the Expedition onboard, Peter Wilson wrote this article. About his preparations
I started my proper icecap training the 10th of September in Sibbarp 1½ years ago. Hauling tires. The base of any Arctic trek. Now a month before the start, it is my main occupation. Due to a knee injury and putting on fat, I am not running at all. Cycling, hauling tires and going to the gym, working extra on the stomach and lower back. I am ready! Here´s the training done!
The preparations have dominated my life for over two years. Same for the other members of the team. Costs and paperwork are demanding. But we are almost there now.
Just a few details left. What snacks to bring? How to transport all the gear to Greenland? Costs of overweight? Go through all the equipment in detail to avoid mistakes. Eat the right kind of fat to add weight. 5 kg:s extra needed for sure. We have to average a bit more than 20 km:s a day to cross in a month.
Of course all this would have been impossible without the help of partners. All from Pam who is doing a great job on the logistics to old and new partners! See all of them here!